Future Is Fiction is now accepting guest posts.
I’m seeking content about culture, politics, writing, publishing or music. Music posts should either be essays and critical analysis or should focus on underplayed music.
Please note that Future Is Fiction carries only original content. No spun articles or reprints are permitted. You control the rights to your articles, to publish them in the print media or, heck, print them on a t-shirt if you wish, but it should be your intent to post the article only on Future Is Fiction.
The point is not to restrict your ownership of your work, but to discourage the kinds of spammy guest posts cluttering the web—we’ll have none of that here.
Here are some examples of the kinds of guest posts I’d love to see:
- Extolling the virtues of a song or video from a band you’re in love with, that no one seems to have heard of.
- Explanations of the complications and import of open source, bitcoin, Linux, copyright or related topics (But not how-to articles on basic technologies. There are plenty of other sites on the web for that).
- Feminist or queer takes on current events in the news.
- Coverage of events taking place in the Bay Area.
- A playlist or mix on any theme, so long as all the songs are indie or forgotten gems that have never graced the Billboard top 10.
- Insights from fellow publishing insiders about the business of books.
- Critical social analysis of pop culture, the ways what we watch and listen to affects our viewpoint as a society.
These are just suggestions, but I’m open to other ideas. Overall, Future Is Fiction is snarky and outspoken, so articles should be written as personal narratives. Cheap jokes are preferred over a distanced, scholarly POV. I want to publish articles from interesting people, and that voice should come through in the writing. Future Is Fiction is not a site that’s shy about being radical or controversial, so don’t be afraid to speak your mind.
Requirements and Expectations for Guest Posts

Posts should be between three and ten paragraphs (any more, and we should discuss breaking the post into a series). Every post should have at least one photograph, as well as the sources to attribute to all images. Also include a short bio. I don’t have any specific limitations on the number of links back to your own site and projects. All that matters is that the links are relevant and interesting to my readership.
I expect you to write a post on your own blog, notifying your readers of the guest post, and to share the post on your social networks at least once.
I will have final editorial review to find any grammar errors and insure that all posts reflect the quality and presentation standards of the site.
If you think you have a guest post that will be a good fit for Future Is Fiction, please do get in touch. In your email, pitch me a concise summary of what you plan to write and tell me a bit about yourself.